Meet the Missionaries! Also a Lesson on Food Storage

Here's what happens when people visit Rachel Bucket out of the blue:

Yes, Anne, that is 100% correct. Your point?

Tranqqed tuna. Yes, you read right; Rachel's in the business of slipping her cat drugs when Ava's not around to do mind tricks. It's the only way to keep him from mauling people.

The alternative is waking up in the spirit world. Hey, at least you'd finally find out who your parents are (and wether they willingly dumped you in the roughest city in the galaxy or not!).

Also, for the record, this is where Doomdreg got the nickname "psycho death cat." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints missionaries gave it to him. (He expresses his appreciation via physical violence, which is appropriate considering what the name actually is.)

And now for our regularly scheduled Rachel to Ava haranguement about food storage. . .


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