
Showing posts from 2021


 So I haven't put anything new up for . .. two weeks now? Three? Four? (Ha, no, it's not four. The most recent one I remember was the July 4th gag. . .)  Half of me apologizes for that, and the other half doesn't really care as she doubts anyone is reading this. (Hi, my mom and two of my cousins! Maybe!) But anyway, here's the schedule for the next few weeks: Expect a lot of holes. I have half of the running story of Anne and Kylo's wedding in Aperture drawn up and I will began coloring/posting them as soon as I find the time (i.e. 3025 AD). But I also plan on actually gettin the entries on the Characters page filled in, so I'll probably work on that for a while before getting to the wedding. (Or, well, to the multiple murder attempts. Anne and Kylo and Ava and some Rocket Turrets in a room together. . . it's a recipe for someone "accidentally" getting turned into burning mush.)   Bye.  

Saber Time!

 All right, Anne. The time has finally come. I've gotten bored of you not having your lightsaber on hand. So let's let you find it. . . Yup. As per the 6,000 long Middle English clue poem Rachel and I had Esther give you. I would leave a link to that story for my two readers here, but I don't have the time to find the original post. Rule of thumb: If you're a Sith and the Christian in the room is happy with or at least unbothered by whatever you did, you've done something wrong. (Rachel is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remember.) Yeah, probably. If the past is any hint. 

Caffeine Poisoning Runs in the Skywalker Family

  That hesitation is always bad news. Coincidentally, I really like the way the cake turned out in this panel. I couldn't get it colored in in most of the other strips. The flames and the candles were too small or the plate came out weird. But this depiction is perfect. Nope! (And by the way, Anne may literally be pleading the Fifth, legally, here. Ava is a law enforcement officer and Anne could easily have slipped illegal substances into that cake. It's happened before. Which is why Ava tests all of Anne's cooking for poison before deciding not to eat it for totally different reasons now.) Ten pounds of baker's chocolate is exactly the dose it would take to kill an average sized adult human via caffeine overdose. Ava's a bit bigger than average, but not enough so to save her. 

Happy 4th of July!

 Holiday preparations at Rachel Bucket's house. . . This one may require some explanation. That thing Esther is strapping to her back - it's a hyperdrive. Specifically it is a hyperdrive meant to propel a ship about 5x the size of the Millennium Falcon. Yeaaaaah, this could get a bit. . . messy. The blue thing around Ava is a force field. No, I'm not showing favoritism at all  by allowing her to do that.  Sarcasm.  Well, all the female main TSA cast is here, except for one member. . . At a distance of at least 500 feet. Probably more. I love doing Ceinwen Chandler cameos, but even I'm not dumb enough to get mixed up in this one.  Happy Fourth of July!

If You Want A Cake. . .

 ". . . I'll bake. Did you bring the eggs?/ I'll mix in the sugar. . ." Only one person got that. Maybe. Alternative punchline: "What do you mean, it looks too much like a cake? It's supposed to be cabbage soup!" Isn't it obvious? It's a . . . . . . bribe, yes. As a side note, can you imagine what kind of a lawyer Anne would make? She's basically confessing to crimes she hasn't yet committed here. To a FREAKING JEDI KNIGHT. Ava is basically a cop, for all legal intents and purposes. (Back the blue.) 

Killer Expectations

 Maybe different expectations than you think, though. Bug off, autocorrect. . . One person at least, anyway.  Where was Anne even hiding that crowbar anyway? Okay, so maybe two people wanted to see this. The other problem, by the way, Anne, is that Ava would totally slaughter you in any fight no matter what either one of you was armed with. You could have the Death Star and she could be unarmed and she'd still win. (It is a bit hard to aim at a five foot eight tall, one foot wide target with a gun the size of the moon, after all, but the opposite sure isn't a problem.)

Marriage In Mordor

 . . . Anne and Kylo's, specifically. Discussions of where to place their wedding. One wonders if they plan to survive through the ceremony themselves. No, I'm not referring to Mordor. (When was the last time you saw laser death turrets in Mordor?) You'll find out.

We're Not Even Angry

  I'm being so sincere right now! Being a little bit of a - - never mind, Ava beat me to it.

Science, Ethics and Bad Clams

  I apologize for the redundancy of using the word "happen" like I just did here, but it's in pen, I can't change it, and I couldn't think of anything better at the time. Still can't, in fact. Please note that Anne's tentacles are lighter in color in this panel than they were in the first. In panel one, they were color #134f5c on the color wheel; in panel two they are #45818e. I like the second one better. Also notice the coloring mistake on the ear.  On the bright side, the background is still nice. The jury is out on wether it was actually clams or not. Generally, once Anne is done with a piece of food, it's impossible to determine what it originally was. You may have noticed that throughout this comic I had Anne emote sort of like a cat with her tail and got it disastrously wrong. Ah well. I've never actually seen an angry cat anyway, not for several years at any rate, and it's probably just as well.

Test Failed

 And HOW . You'll see what I mean in a minute.  Just one more panel. . . This one was fun to color :)

Testing, Testing. . .

  NEVER a line you want to have to ask when you're in a comic strip. (Or a sci fi story. Although this strip involves a mad scientist, too. Never mind.) Ava is a biologist - I don't think of her as a scientist often, but she is. (And when I said "mad," I meant as in angry, not crazy. Ava is arguably the most sane member of the TSA cast. Which is not saying much.) Also, please note that in this second panel, Anne has more soup in her bowl than in panel one, even though Ava just said that the pot is in the kitchen and Anne hasn't moved. I'm a terrible artist, aren't I? Anne, Ava tests your food for poison before she takes a bite, remember? 

As You Like It

  Sorry about not getting around to putting this one up on Monday. Side note - can anyone tell me which play I'm parodying?

Who Knew

  Warranty justice? I've heard of social justice, but that's . . . warranty justice ? Aperture Science We do what we must Because We can  For the good of all of us. . . BTW, for what it's worth, I was all for naming Technos, Aperture. 


                                          To be continued on Wednesday. Don't miss the finale. Especially you, "Strangelet."

Lifetime Warranty

 I got the whole thing in color this time. I'm really excited about the possibility of getting them all in color in the future. Anyway, here we go: Laser gun. Anne, it's a laser gun . A deadly weapon of mass destruction. What are the odds it broke on accident, considering that your best friend is a telekinetic Jedi knight who doesn't much like your having deadly weapons of mass destruction? Duh duh duh duh. . . Return of Darth Julie. It's so much easier to fully ink her in digitally.  To be continued on Wednesday! 

Booting Back Up

 . . . sorry about how long getting this back up took, Mom and "Strangelet." And maybe Maren. And, to make up for that pointless line of pictures, here's a real comic. Only had time to color the first one, sorry.

Time of the Torah

  Yep, Anne is still stuck on this idea that they were lost, even though they knew exactly when they were - they were precisely five years ago. True. I wish I were better at drawing architecture so that I could have done a Jerusalem skyline, but. . . Well, obviously that didn't happen. . .


At last, Ava has found the team enough members to get together the power to get the crew back to where they were supposed to be on the space time continuum. (About 5 years after the time they currently are at, specifically.) Let's see how badly this goes! I can draw dragons pretty well. Hence my decision to put the gang in the time of the Dinos.  Do you wonder where the other two Avas and Koi went? The Avas might actually be in their own time. . . Koi could be anywhere. She's always going on about the Many Worlds theory; she might have tried to crash test it. (And ended up in a black hole in the process. It's the sorta thing she would do.) BTW, happy birthday to Anne. . . she is now, what, 21? Except for the recent retcon, by which she is now 19. . . anyway, she had her birthday two days ago.