International Relations

If you think of Ava as representing the Jedaic people (also the Jewish people and Alderaan), and Anne as representing a massive ball of metal with a giant laser attached floating randomly through space (also a small group of fundamentalist terrorists), that title makes some sense. But only some. . .

In group projects for schoolwork, Anne generally dumps all the hard work on Ava. And she has the girl in a perfect catch 22: Anne generally doesn't care about her grades. She's not there to get an education. She's there to learn good advertising techniques and not much else.

Ava, on the other hand, does care about her grades. She is there to get an education. And if she lets Anne's part of the project fail, her grades fall because of that. So Anne has no reason to do any work but Ava has a strong incentive to take over for her (especially since Anne's best work, academically, is usually nowhere near as good as Ava's). Plus, after almost a year of Anne's mental manipulation, Ava isn't nearly so much of an "I stand up for myself; you can't walk all over me" kind of character as she used to be.

Right lesson, wrong time, as Bill Watterson might put it.

Honestly, I just drew this one as an excuse to draw Ava in that Star of David jacket. She's just SO CUTE. . .

It looks even better in color. I'll put up that picture when I get around to updating the Characters page. . . hopefully. . . and bear in mind that I'm really not doing a great job on the Characters page. It's a confusing mess and I'm slacking off on fixing it.

Anyway, bully for Ava standing up for herself, but, girl, you could not have picked a worse time.

Yes, Ava, I seem to remember that your last name is Skywalker and Anne's last name is Palpatine. Assuming I'm not greatly mistaken, that means that Anne's father tried to turn/kill both your father and your grandfather and probably his predecessor fought with your great grandfather. Your families go back a long way; Anne's taking Esther on as an apprentice and constantly trying to convert you to Sithhood is just the most recent step in a very old dance.

Otherwise, you would have revealed yourself as a Jedi the day you first met Anne, not two months afterward after you'd become good friends.


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