The First and the Last Time I Drew Anne in a Cast

Sith apprentices have to be right on the line - ambitious enough to not let morals stand in there way, but still willing to let their masters control them. Angry but not so angry they pose a danger to their mentor.

 Ava returns. I had an idea what I was going to do with her now - I just wasn't sure how to introduce it. (You'll find out tomorrow.)

If it looks like Anne has no cast on in P2, that's because she doesn't. The reason this was the last time I will ever draw Anne Palpatine in a cast is that muscle memory made me repetitively draw Anne uninjured. No consistency. So I dropped it. One of the good things about TSA not being real: I can end a condition that should've lasted two months about two weeks in if I decide I want to. Anne had only had that cast for fourteen days when I got sick and tired of it.
I was reading this book about the paranormal and apparently, that worked its way into my strip. BTW, those stars are not Anne cursing. I've just never heard anyone actually scream AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! It's always really this high pitched sound I can't write down. So I used stars instead. 


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