Ava Skywalker VS Susan McCombre At the Bank

Quick explanation: In the comic you're about to see, the girl who isn't Ava is my "bad guy" character, Susan McCombre (just in case you didn't read the title). Susan was introduced in an earlier comic that I decided not to publish because it was lame and had no point. She is a gangster and is kinda a jerk, and she strongly dislikes Ava. (She strongly dislikes Anne, too, but Anne wears her combative abilities and capabilities on her sleeve strongly enough to scare off any bullies.)

I introduced her character, then regretted it and spent a while trying to get rid of her. Eventually, she just vanished.

As I said, Susan dislikes Ava.

As a side note: this was the first of several jokes in which Ava walks into a bank and gets either scammed or shortchanged somehow. Later this crystallized into a severe learning disability that makes it impossible for Ava to so much as count - trying to explain why she's such an easy mark! (It also had the advantage of making Ava a non-Mary-Sue. Then again, so did her little identity crisis when she went from snarky prankster to. . . well. . . let's just say it wasn't an improvement.)

The person in all black in Panel One is sort of Ava's Darth Julie - that's the personality Anne shows when she is fully over on the Dark Side. Her name is Darth Rosa, and this is the only time I ever drew her.

There's another comic I drew where Ava Forceleaps over the wall of the Jedi Temple and lands in the blackberry bushes that just got planted right behind them. In that comic, she'd been warned, but I always thought there was sort of a parallel between that one and this one - where she isn't warned until after she gets burned.

In later comics, Ava lost her dark streak and insane amounts of hidden anger. She also lost her spine, unfortunately.

My brother "Mark" came up with this one, to give credit where it's due. I think it's one of his better ones.

I did the artwork, of course. "Mark" would have been able to draw better pickles (That's what Anne is getting hit by in Panel 1 and about to throw in Panel 3.)


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