Ceinwen Chandler

This would be me. I'm on the characters page because I do sometimes use myself as a character. This was inspired by Stephan Pastis, cartoonist of Pearls Before Swine.

Having just read the page that links to, I wonder if all cartoonists'/writers' work gets interpreted to be something meaningful even when the artist was just writing to have a good time. I mean, that's my motive for TSA, and I never noticed that theme in Pearls Before Swine (the theme listed on the go comics page), but I wonder if someone will interpret what I've written in a way like that several years down the road. I guess you could say TSA incorporates themes like "the people you care about should be worth more to you than your dreams" (Anne's eternal struggle with the fact that Ava's a Jedi and one will have to destroy the other someday) and "don't hang out with terrorists unless you really have it in for yourself."

This is me:

By parental mandate I can't post a real picture. As you can see, I am the identical to Anne, the difference being that I exist and she doesn't. (She even had short hair back when I sported a shoulder length bob. Small world. We're also both brunette - just putting that out there since this strip isn't in color.)


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