Organized Chaos!

D'you remember the sports jokes about organized chaos a few days back? Here's a link. . .

Organized Chaos

I think that goes where I want it to.

Okay, now onto the comics!

This was the only way I could explain why even the girls ended up playing the game, considering how crazy things got in the original organized chaos post.

 A year or two ago, I went to this church fireside activity. . . the guy speaking, Brad Wilcox, was pretty funny. At some point, he said that some people get a little upset because the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (stop telling me what I can and can't capitalize, Autocorrect!) claims to be the one true church. He then went on to say that he'd never been at a baseball game where the fans for whatever team were chanting that they were any number besides one. The point being that people don't go out, put up institutions, and then promote themselves as the third best.

Anyway, it gave me a really straight line. It is inherently funny to watch someone cheering that their sports team is the worst.

 "You know, because my roommate is probably about to kill somebody? Actually, I don't care what you say the rules are, I'm probably going to just knock her out anyway."

You're kidding, right, Anne?

This joke is taken from a war scene from the My Name Is America series, where the main character is looking at the aftermath of a Civil War battle and thinking, I know the Union won this one, but did they really win? They lost so many people. . .

That scene wasn't funny at all, nor should it be. (If I'd laughed at that, it would have been a red flag for schizophrenia.) But I do specialize in jokes that take something dark and twist it up and allegory it in a way that is pretty goofy. Deaths in war aren't amusing, but getting yourself so thouroghly beat up playing sports and then wishing you'd lost because the people who lost are mostly unconscious. . . that I can make something out of.

This joke is probably also taken from a personal tendency of mine. If I win an argument, I feel like a jerk. If I lose an argument, I feel resentful. Either way, it's a bitter outcome.


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