Doomdreg Update and Bad Piloting

 I really have a hard time drawing beds. The only way you can really tell Ava and Rachel are in bed trying to sleep (over Doomdreg? Good luck) is the little "2 AM" banner in Panel One.

Credit to my brother "Mark" for this one. I wanted to skew the joke away from it being about Anne being stupid - my brother's comics tend to be skewed that way, as do a lot of mine, and it's one of my pet peeves. The point of the Anne character is that she's quite clever! Stop treating her like a moron! 

That last bit is in the third person and clearly directed at my brother, but it's aimed at my past self, too.

Anyway, I wanted to move the joke towards joking about how annoyingly complex some of the simplest of technology is getting, and away from calling Anne a moron, hence the first panel.

 Okay, this one I didn't have to skew in any direction. This is easily believable of Anne. (No hand eye coordination. Just none.)

Anne, do you always listen to the words spilling out of your mouth, or do you just say whatever when you're upset? Because the answer to that question is "no, and I never had any." And you know it. 


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