Anne, Future Sith

These comics are sorta great. . . I mean, they're easy to write and they're hilarious. But they don't hold particularly true to the rest of Anne's character. . . I have plans for her Sith skills to improve sooner of later. (Probably later.)

See, this is the kind of comic that plays well into Anne's character. Anne is clever. Or supposed to be.

Y'know, I try to write my characters as not Mary Sues. . . because often they need to be pretty screwed up to be funny. But so far, I only have the one character whose handicap makes any sense. Anne is a very clever girl, so why can't she figure out the Force and dueling? Ava is a genius, so why can't she add two and two? (I gave her an exotic, probably imaginary disability to deal with that question. But then I have to beat any audience over the head with that fact, because without it, Ava's math incapability makes zero sense.)

Only Rachel's drawback makes any sense whatsoever. And she is rapidly recovering from it. (Rachel is mildly mentally ill. She suffers from paranoid delusions. . . and you can hardly blame her if you know much of anything about where she came from.)

I'm not a Sith, nor do I think any telemarketer would believe me if I said I was, but I think the real life counterpart to this is, "She doesn't live here anymore. She moved to China. I would give you her address there, but I seem to have lost the paper. Goodbye." Although in my case, the China bit would be pretty out of sync with any sort of reality.


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