Cigarrette ads and Skullcaps. . .

. . . which clearly have nothing to do with each other, although I can just see Esther taking up a job in some of the world's least ethical advertising. The truth is that these two comics just didn't seem to fit into any other category and I wanted to put them up together. Face it, they're both so bizarre they were made for each other.

This will all make sense in a moment.

Huh. Now that I think about it, that's not so bizarre. . . but now you know what the cigarette was.

And here's the skullcap. Although that name sounds really weird to me now. . .

In this one, you can pretty much replace Esther with me and Ava with me and then it actually happened. I was trying to crochet a yarmulke, and, let's just say I'm no expert on crocheting hats of any sort and, really, I only had a vague idea of what a yarmulke is supposed to look like. So I ended up with a cowboy hat, bright green, the perfect size for an 18" doll.

I still have it somewhere. I would show it to you, but I don't really feel like digging it out of my sewing box right now.


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