Anne v. Ava Part Two

There is a plot style Donald Duck cartoonists use where Donald Duck has mastered some skill or another, and for the first little while, he is amazing at it. But then, he always tries to do too much and bam, it all blows up in his face.

Anne and Ava also have a set formula for how they screw stuff up. Anne botches something up spectacularly, and then Ava, who is often nearby doing the same thing right, makes a smart-alecky comment. (No wonder her son turned out the way he did. Just kidding - I don't have that much backlog.)

BTW, the sign in that second to last comic says "Lake Point Below Zero." Make more sense now?

Just for the record, 1/2 a gram of antimatter could replicate the Hiroshima explosion. And if there is one thing Anne excels at, it's blowing stuff up (even when it's not a substance that flares when exposed to matter.).

Behind the scenes, there is this weird silent war between Anne and Ava as they strive to ignore the fact that Anne is a Dark Sider aspiring world conquerer and Ava is a Jedaic assassin. The strip will probably one day end with Ava winning that "conversion war" and bringing Anne to the Light Side. 

 Ava's an apprentice Jedi. . . one of those details I never mention. Like that Sithhood is one of several Dark Sider groups, but how many others are there? (Five.) Rachel's Christian, but which of the 10,000+ Christian denominations does she belong to? (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.) Ava's Jewish, but where on the spectrum of Jews does she fall? (Conservative with Orthodox leanings.)

I find it a little annoying that I never do mention these details. I guess that's because my favorite parts of writing a story are the ones the reader never sees: extensive wordbuilding (one of my biggest problems as a writer is my tendency to give long, boring recitals of imaginary world details like I just did now), and character backstory. Anyone interested in a long recital of how Ava wound up as the sole Jedaic Skywalker child? No, I thought not.

Apparently lighting fires via the Force is a Jedaic ability?

I got that from some book I don't even remember the name of, so I could be a little off, but I figured it was too good a joke opportunity to pass up.

Humanity as I perceived it in March 2019. . .


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