A Typical Day in the Life of Anne Palpatine

830 AM. Anne wakes up, drags herself downstairs, and tries to do her homework, but she can't read her own handwriting.

1205 PM. Anne comes home for lunch after a hard morning spent distrupting the class and copying over Ava's shoulder, and Esther decides to announce her newfound (or not) suicidal tendencies.

508 PM. Anne and Ava both retire home for the night (In Ava's case, this is only typical on Fridays, when the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown). Anne steps on Doomdreg's tail on accident and he chases her through the house while Ava holds a shouted conversation with her father over the phone. Then Ava goes to bed and Anne goes to the emergency room; the end of a typical day.


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