Anne Palpatine

Anne is the main character of the Teenage Sith Apprentice world, despite not being a teenager anymore (she turned twenty this year, in the backlog of comics, I am in December 2019, when she was still 19). I'll get around to putting a picture up her soon, so everybody can tell which character I'm talking about. . . oh wait. . . found one.

There, that's Anne. As she appears in a soon to be posted comic, although that's really how I draw her anytime she doesn't have a line.

Anne is the Emperor Palpatine's daughter and technically an only child, although there's this kind of weird running joke in her family where her father constantly references a son whose existence he and Emily Jenner Palpatine (Anne's mom) are very ambiguous about. Anne has been hearing about him for 20 years and still doesn't know if he really ever existed, much less wether he's still alive today or where he is.

Anne is about 20 years old; her birthday is April 12, 2000.

One of the first sort of regular jokes that started to recur around Anne is that she's dating Kylo Ren. She's his sort of steady girlfriend. (I mostly use those jokes to mock Kylo Ren, although Anne can be pretty badly behaved, too.) The two quite frankly despise each other, but then one of them is a Sith and one wants to be, so life relationships based on hate make sense from their perspective. They tend to break up every other day on average, and they're always back together before nightfall. One of the best Anne/Ren comics focuses on this: Anne announces that the relationship is over and Kylo Ren says, "Okay, should we get back together tomorrow or next week?"

Another regular joke that crops up around Anne is her inability to use a lightsaber without harming herself and causing mass property damage. She's on her third metal hand now.

Anne's relationship with Ava is the source of constant tension and a few good jokes. Ava is a Jedi, so in order to achieve her ends as a Sith, Anne either has to destroy her or convert her. Ava is also her best friend, so Anne favors the latter. She has this odd perception that if she succeeds, she'll be "saving" Ava. . . never mind that Anne herself is the threat and could just choose not to attack if she doesn't want Ava to get hurt. The conversion attempts are usually what make it into the strip, since between very best friends that sort of thing is pretty awkward.

Anne is at college majoring in cigarette advertising, because what career could possibly be more suitable for a Sith? Actually, she's there to learn how to convince people to do very self detrimental things and how to use subliminal messaging to mess with people's minds. After all, she's never going to take over the galaxy by force. That's why her grades are so poor - she's not really at Bakuran University to get an education.

Another tangential quirk of Anne's character. Anne celebrates Christmas. Anne is also not Christian. Actually, Anne is a hardcore atheist and fairly antichristian; she kind of has to be because a belief in any sort of good god would prohibit her from taking over the world and slaughtering countless people and I wasn't about to have a satanist character. (Just weird. Plus I don't know nearly enough about the religion to portray it accurately. I had the exact same problem with my Jewish character, by the way, the difference being that I actually felt like researching Judaism. Also that I felt like Judaism actually deserves enough respect to at least portray Jews accurately. If I ever do try writing about a demon worshipper, outside of a D&D game - and that will not happen in this strip - I will probably deliberately distort them into a dumb comic relief character and do no research whatsoever.)

During the summer months, Anne lives on the Death Star III.


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