"Halloween Month" Begins

There was this Batman kids book I read years ago in which Robin and Batgirl turn up to a Halloween party in full costume and go by Tim and Barbara and it doesn't blow their cover because, after all, it's a Halloween party. There are like six people dressed as Robin there. I think that's where this came from.

I never understood why the big bad guy wanted world control. I get a desire for control in your own life, but Leia was right when she said, "The more you tighten your grip, the more planets will slip right through your fingers." The only effect being in total control could have is to make you feel completely powerless (or wind up getting taken down in a military coup or invaded), going by my own experiences with being left in charge of my siblings while Mom and Dad run errands. Technically I have parental authority then, but in reality, I know that no one's going to listen to me and the only real effect that "authority" has is that I'll get blamed for all the crap my siblings did that I couldn't stop.

Try that with the whole world? Nine billion people instead of six individuals? No thank you!

I think spiders get an unnecessarily bad rap. I've heard that the bite of a black widow is deadly. I've also heard that the bite of a black widow, if it even injects venom at all - and it's incentivized not to; they can only make so much and they need it to eat - will hurt like heck, you'll have terrible muscular cramps, but it's only dangerous if you're super young, super old, or already sick.

Then again, I'm currently reading a book about D&D drow, so I'm a little hesitant to speak up for spiders lest my religious extremist side draw an unsubstantiated parallel and then yell, "You're not acknowledging Lolth's existence are you?"

No, of course I'm not. The D&D gods are fictional and I'm Christian.

And then there's the side of me that is a huge bug girl and kinda likes spiders, although not nearly as much as praying mantises. And those two will be slugging it out loudly in the back of my brain until about a week after I finish the book, I promise you.

I predict that the bug girl side will win and then reign dominant for much time, mostly because she's the one who doesn't make me look crazy. I'm religious, but the level of scrupulosity my inner religious extremist calls for goes way beyond the pale.


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