December 2018 1-Panelers

I think Dec 2018's were the last few one-panelers I wrote. Over the first few months, my comic style settled out as three-paneled, although I'm thinking of changing that number to four soon.

Are the words legible enough?

I may be remembering wrong, but I'm pretty sure I wrote this one because, in 2018, we didn't have a white Christmas. (I live in Idaho, so a white Christmas is totally possible.) And I'm still not sure how I managed to draw that wampa so good.

I think I was reading "Revenge of the Sith" when I wrote this. It's the way of the Sith to trade in your apprentice for a better one as soon as the opportunity arises, but Anne might beat the Emperor to the punch line. (By the way, Anne's name literally means "full of grace. . ." taking that literally, did you ever hear a less suited name?)

These two were both me being a goof and spoofing off of my earlier "I will finish what you started" comics. (Ha - I write a Star-Wars-spoof comic strip and then I also write spoofs of my own comics. . .)


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