Ava: The Early Days

Ava didn't used to be much of a character in her own right. She was more of an extra in the beginning. I wanted the Jewish character, but I had no personality or story role in mind for her, so she just said the lines Anne would have said in her place.

Kinda funny, considering that, extra or no, Ava ended up being the most successful character in the strip. Not in terms or in-world success of course. . . but Ava repeatedly stole center stage from Anne once her personality kicked in.

This is a prime example of Ava acting as Anne until something else came along. Ava was devious and pushy in the beginning. You'd never think she would end up. . . well, her big problem now is that she isn't assertive enough.

BTW, "kosh, mapleck, magog" actually means "buy something or die." I got it from the Merchant NPC in Terraria.


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