Caffeine Poisoning Runs in the Skywalker Family


That hesitation is always bad news. Coincidentally, I really like the way the cake turned out in this panel. I couldn't get it colored in in most of the other strips. The flames and the candles were too small or the plate came out weird. But this depiction is perfect.

Nope! (And by the way, Anne may literally be pleading the Fifth, legally, here. Ava is a law enforcement officer and Anne could easily have slipped illegal substances into that cake. It's happened before. Which is why Ava tests all of Anne's cooking for poison before deciding not to eat it for totally different reasons now.)

Ten pounds of baker's chocolate is exactly the dose it would take to kill an average sized adult human via caffeine overdose. Ava's a bit bigger than average, but not enough so to save her. 


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