
 So I haven't put anything new up for . .. two weeks now? Three? Four? (Ha, no, it's not four. The most recent one I remember was the July 4th gag. . .) 

Half of me apologizes for that, and the other half doesn't really care as she doubts anyone is reading this. (Hi, my mom and two of my cousins! Maybe!) But anyway, here's the schedule for the next few weeks:

Expect a lot of holes. I have half of the running story of Anne and Kylo's wedding in Aperture drawn up and I will began coloring/posting them as soon as I find the time (i.e. 3025 AD). But I also plan on actually gettin the entries on the Characters page filled in, so I'll probably work on that for a while before getting to the wedding. (Or, well, to the multiple murder attempts. Anne and Kylo and Ava and some Rocket Turrets in a room together. . . it's a recipe for someone "accidentally" getting turned into burning mush.)  



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