The Covid Files, Part Three: All the Dark Stuff


I wrote this one after offhandedly referring to a female friend of mine as "a girlfriend" and realizing that my first reaction to hearing my own words was "that sounds creepily homosexual." I'm not a big fan of any sort of LGBT behavior. The first three are just gross; the fourth is literally a form of delusion. (Mind, I'm talking about the BEHAVIORS not the PEOPLE.) And I hate the way the PC surrounding LGBT issues sexualizes some of my day to day language. For instance, I can no longer refer to my female friends as my girlfriends without feeling all creepy and weird. Thanks a lot, pc.

I also wrote this one trying to purge creepy feelings. I was unbelievably dumb enough to read a UFO spotlight bizarre conspiracist post about how coronavirus was really some secret Chinese plot and really they had concocted it in a lab to quiet the Hong Kong protestors and it turned out to be super deadly and people were dying of a super Ebola blah blah blah and how covid wasn't really covid but the flu and government officials were lying about it blah blah blah. Anyway, they had really graphic descriptions in there of what these super ebola deaths looked like and there were some scenes that sounded a bit like things I've read about the Holocaust, so it was kinda disturbing. I quit reading halfway through. But there was this one picture. And it was just like the one Rachel describes in the second to last panel. And it kept turning up in my head, bringing with it all the nasty feelings associated with that dumb story. (It was a completely non credible story. For instance, anyone knows that covid showed up in WUHAN not HONG KONG.) So I wrote this comic attributing those thoughts to Rachel (it was indeed keeping me up at night), and after that they just. . . went away. I tend to process the world by pretending I'm something else (my kindergarten-age game of pretending to be a gecko), pretending the world is something else (humor), and proxy (making sense of my own emotional tangles by attributing them in very exaggerated form to my characters). 

So, hope all the heavy stuff didn't drive you crazy, will. be back with funnier stuff next time.


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