The Covid Files, Part Three: All the Dark Stuff

I wrote this one after offhandedly referring to a female friend of mine as "a girlfriend" and realizing that my first reaction to hearing my own words was "that sounds creepily homosexual." I'm not a big fan of any sort of LGBT behavior. The first three are just gross; the fourth is literally a form of delusion. (Mind, I'm talking about the BEHAVIORS not the PEOPLE.) And I hate the way the PC surrounding LGBT issues sexualizes some of my day to day language. For instance, I can no longer refer to my female friends as my girlfriends without feeling all creepy and weird. Thanks a lot, pc. I also wrote this one trying to purge creepy feelings. I was unbelievably dumb enough to read a UFO spotlight bizarre conspiracist post about how coronavirus was really some secret Chinese plot and really they had concocted it in a lab to quiet the Hong Kong protestors and it turned out to be super deadly and people were dying of a super Ebola blah blah blah and how covid w...