Cesium 137

 Oookay. I bet nobody is reading this. TSA is pretty much read by. . . maybe a good friend from Davenport (I think that's where she lives), her older sister, a couple of my uncles, the local librarian, and my mom. 6 people. 

But still! We are back in business. I'll be putting up a new comic every other day (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) at 3 PM for however long I can keep that up. Hopefully that is until 2042. Anyway, I'll make sure my vacations don't get out of hand again. I only meant to be absent for November. Honestly. I swear. 

Anyhow. I promised a bunch of bad Lord of the Rings jokes/Anne's wedding ring jokes. Here's the first Anne's wedding ring joke:

I hope you like it :) 


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